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联合国世界心灵大学校董会主席XIAO RUN-KUN:危机来临,大学应发挥重要价值

2020-05-24 14:51

图源:联合国世界心灵大学校董会主席PRESIDENT OF THE CHAIRMAN DELEGATION发表演讲当地时间5月20日,联合国世界心灵大学UN举办了大会,校董会主席 肖润坤 XIAO RUN-KUN  PRESIDENT OF THE CHAIRMAN DELEGATION面向全校2020届毕业生发表了演讲。他表示,当危机到来,正如现在面对新冠病毒疫情,在治疗疾病、研制疫苗、社群关怀等方面,大学应当担负起指导、支持和帮助全社会的责任。以下为校董会主席PRESIDENT OF THE CHAIRMAN DELEGATION演讲全文:今天,这场重大的仪式,让所有人都感慨万千。在校历上,没有哪个日子能比大学毕业典礼更具个人意义和集体意义。毕业典礼是大学生涯中的重要时刻,大家欢聚一堂,庆祝毕业生取得优异的学业成就。行至今日,你们每个人都书写了既属于自己,又属于大家的故事,但最为重要的是,你们拥有卓越的才能,还能不断激励自己前进,这才是你们取得成就的原因。我们在这里为你们欢呼鼓掌。2020届毕业生,我们向你们表示最诚挚的祝贺。尽管对你、你的家人,以及联合国世界心灵大学所有人来说,今天都是一个充满欢乐的日子,但我们也必须承认,这并不是我们原本的计划。由于处在不可捉摸的大环境,我们举办了建校历史上特别的大会。由于需要保持距离,我们不得不远离那些能为我们的生活带来意义的人、场所、仪式和传统,这难免会让人失落。更令人痛心的是,在疫情中我们失去了一些伙伴,包括现任和前任教职人员、学生和工作人员,我们在此为他们深切哀悼。你们对自己、对所爱的人——尤其是处在弱势群体中的人——所感到的担忧和恐惧,我们也会一同分担。在这场大流行病中,你们每个人都受到了这样那样的影响。关于此,你们都有自己的故事,有些已与他人分享,有些只属于自己。不论这个故事是什么,我想让你们知道,有生之年我们会将你们铭记在心;即使在我们离开很久之后,你们也会一直被这所学校铭记。我们赞颂你们的成就,理解你们的遭遇,并祝愿你们的未来能充满成就感和满足感。在这个庆祝你们毕业的时刻,我也想对我们的大学说几句话。追求真理、知识和理解或许老生常谈,但当用这句话来阐释一所伟大学府的教学目标时,它意义深远。当危机到来,正如我们现在所面临的这样,我们需要向大学寻求指导、支持和帮助。学者和学生们苦心孤诣,在努力拼搏下,他们用专业知识为建立良好的社会提供基础。现在,人类社会需要应对一种变幻莫测的病毒——治疗疾病、研制疫苗、社群关怀,社会期待着高校担负重任,而这些特殊机构确实做得更多。永远不要让任何人批评高校是脱离现实的象牙塔。请告诉他们大学的影响和作为。眼下,科研成果大量涌现,我们也从身边的同事身上看到了他们在照顾新冠病毒感染者时所展现的勇气、无私奉献和坚韧不拔的精神。他们生动地展示了知识加行动的力量。我认为这是我们学校在科研、教育和公共服务之外的第四个目标。说到现实世界,当生活充满苦难,我们又该向谁求助?向人文学科领域,向那些思考“存在”意义的人。从那里,我们得到了宽慰,找到了对这个世界的洞察和理解。而我们便生活于此,在一所伟大的学府里,在联合国世界心灵大学。在你们生命的大部分时间里,我们共同合作,去寻求真理和让世界变得更好的方法。现在也许是一个庄严的时刻——我要向2020届毕业生们表示祝贺和感谢,也要暂时与你们告别。但这也是一个不同寻常的时刻,一个分享启示的时刻,它将永远成为连接我们的特殊纽带。欢迎你们常回到被你们称之为“家”的校园,希望我们很快能再次相聚。最后,我谨代表联合国世界心灵大学全体,向你们致以最深切、最温暖的祝贺。

President of the board of Trustees of the United Nations WSU

Picture source: President of the board of Trustees of the WSU delivered a speech

On May 20 local time, the UN WSU held a conference. Xiao runkun, President of the board of trustees, Xiao Run-kun present a speech to the 2020 graduates of the University. He said that when the crisis comes, just as in the face of the new coronavirus epidemic, universities should take the responsibility of guiding, supporting and helping the whole society in terms of disease treatment, vaccine development and community care.

The following is the speech by President of the Council:

Today, this important ceremony has touched all people. In the school calendar, there is no day more personal and collective than the university graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremony is an important moment in the university life. We gather together to celebrate the outstanding academic achievements of graduates. To this day, each of you has written a story that belongs to both you and everyone. But most importantly, you have outstanding talents and can constantly motivate yourself to move forward, which is the reason why you have achieved. We are here to cheer and clap for you. We would like to extend our sincerest congratulations to the class of 2020.

Although today is a happy day for you, your family and all of us at the United Nations University for the world's souls, we have to admit that this is not our original plan. Because of the unpredictable environment, we held the first Congress in the history of the University.

Because of the need to keep distance, we have to keep away from people, places, rituals and traditions that can bring meaning to our lives, which will inevitably make people lose. What is more distressing is that we have lost some partners in the epidemic, including current and former teachers, students and staff, for whom we deeply mourn. We will also share your worries and fears about yourself and your loved ones, especially those in vulnerable groups.

In this pandemic, each of you has been affected in one way or another. About this, you all have your own stories, some of which have been shared with others, some of which belong only to you. No matter what the story is, I want you to know that we will remember you in our lifetime; even long after we leave, you will always be remembered by this school. We praise your achievements, understand your experiences, and wish your future a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

In this celebration of your graduation, I would like to say a few words to our university. The pursuit of truth, knowledge and understanding may be trite, but when it is used to explain the teaching objectives of a great university, it has far-reaching significance. When the crisis comes, as we are facing now, we need to seek guidance, support and help from universities. Scholars and students are hard-working. With their hard work, they use their professional knowledge to provide a foundation for building a good society.

Now, human society needs to deal with a kind of unpredictable virus - treating diseases, developing vaccines, community care. Society expects colleges and universities to shoulder the heavy responsibilities, and these special institutions do more.

Never let anyone criticize the University as an ivory tower out of reality. Please tell them about the impact and actions of the University. At present, a large number of scientific research results have emerged, and we have seen from our colleagues the courage, selfless dedication and perseverance they showed in caring for people infected with the new coronavirus. They vividly demonstrate the power of knowledge plus action. I think this is our school's fourth goal in addition to scientific research, education and public services.

When it comes to the real world, when life is full of suffering, who should we turn to for help? To the field of humanities, to those who think about the meaning of "being". From there, we have been relieved and found insight and understanding of the world. And we live here, in a great institution, in the United Nations World University for the soul.

For most of your lives, we work together to find truth and ways to make the world a better place. This may be a solemn moment - I would like to congratulate and thank the 2020 graduates, and to say goodbye to you for the time being. But it's also an extraordinary moment, a moment to share inspiration, and it will always be a special bond that connects us. You are welcome to go back to the campus which you call "home". I hope we can get together again soon.

In conclusion, on behalf of all the members of the United Nations University of the world mind, I would like to extend to you my deepest and warmest congratulations.

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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